Get All other modules free when you enroll for module 8 paying just $150

(Remote Pilot License)

#Limited time promotion at Udrone Learning Center

Become a Drone Expert

At the outset, I should confess that I have no degrees after my name and never have been an aircraft pilot but have been a serial entrepreneur, even naming a business as “Satellite Enterprises”. In his seminal article in the mid 1940 s, in the now out-of-publication magazine” Wireless World”, Arthur C. Clarke set out the principles of the Communications Satellite, that since has made communications almost seem a utility, including the ubiquitous GPS and Navigator Apps.


Flight Test

How to Start


Flight Test

How to Start



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Become a Trainee

Why you should get yourself trained at Udrone Anywhere? Our Drone Technology Course, (Drones – Fun to Fly and Fantastic to Make Money)

is tailor made to suit your financial needs and time constrains. UDroneAnywhere enables the students pursue self employment, or establish supplementary income or climb up the ladder to higher income. We have really made it affordable by not only pricing the course at half that of other similar courses but also by giving the option to pay module by module, and issuing a certificate when a student passes the quiz at the end of every module. In fact the course is structured in such a way that it is possible to pick and choose the modules, except the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority, USA) Regulations module that prepares the student to pass the Remote Pilot License Examination. For example a student who wants to open up a business to assemble drones, can be without taking the module on Photography and vice versa. Yet another feature of the Course is that all the Figures and Links Pages are numbered to make it possible for the student to listen to the audio and refer to the material later giving the option to manage the time better.

Get Certified

You’re allowed to follow the course right here
certificate the print yourself.

Judy JacksonStudent

Register your drone in a Small Unmanned Aircraft System
(sUAS) Registration Service.

Contact us now

94 Halpin Ave
Staten Island, NY 10312
